Principal Succession List

Principal Desk


Nursing is an innovative, challenging and rewarding career that’s in high demand, offering those who pursue this career an opportunity to profoundly change human health. The Modern Nurse values community, personal and professional growth, and flexibility; is passionate about creating different and sustainable expectations for the profession; and, leverages technology and advancements to provide the highest quality care available. The field of health care is also more diversified, so nurses can choose what area they would like to practice, and tailor their education to that field.

Nursing education at all levels needs to provide a better understanding of and experience in care management, quality improvement methods, systems-level change management, and the reconceptualized roles of nurses in a reformed health care system. Nursing education should serve as a platform for continued lifelong learning and include opportunities for seamless transition to higher degree programs.
Sl no Name Period
From To
1 Prof. Usha R Nair 14/08/2008 21/11/2014
2 Prof. Dr. Saleena Shah 01/12/2014 06/08/2019
3 Prof. Dr. Bincy R 16/08/2019 14/07/2020
4 Prof. Dr. Sujamol Scaria 29/07/2020 23/05/2022
5 Prof. Hema A V (I/C) 24/05/2022 19/02/2023
6 Prof. Sreedevi Amma C 20/02/2023 15/06/2023
7 Prof. Dr. Beena M R 05/07/2023 01/09/2024

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